Credibility Challenge: Everything2

Exercise #1: Ranking URL’s


Exercise #2: Finding the Author

There are multiple authors on this site. The authors are users who are uploading their content. Authorship is fully unrestricted. There are also editors who maintain the sites general integrity.

Exercise #3: The Author’s Authority

In order to this exercise we selected a  random post to use for our “author”.

The post being used is “The New Trinity” by named “go ahead I’ll listen”.

This post is a poem in which the author spreads words out, and creates a pseudo puzzle. The poem is very intricately designed, and so are the words. This leads us to believe that the author did attend higher education.

We believe the author does have a degree, and it is more than likely related to writing, as the author shows a masterful use of word play.

Due to the high amount of thought and prowess shown in this piece, we believe the author is very well versed in poetry, and has probably written numerous pieces.

The author’s topic seems to be well researched, and therefore we believe the author has a good grasp on the subject matter. The subject matter seems to be interacted with daily, if only in the author’s thoughts.

I believe the author is neutral on the topic, but the poem seems to be created in order for you as the reader to make a choose, and therefore we believe the author has made his/her own choice about the topic.

Exercise #4: Sponsorship

This website is owned by itself, and therefore is only promoting it’s own agenda. The agenda is to have a place for people to share different types of writing with others. It’s also a place for people to discuss and socialize.

The only interest the organization has in the sites content is that the content is friendly to all readers, in order for the site to remain in good standing with it’s community.

They’re open to all opinions, and seem to encourage people to bring their varied opinions to spark debate and knowledge transference.



Is All Lives Matter truly a better movement than the Black Lives Matter?


The All Lives Matter (ALM) movement is a direct rebuttal to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. It’s not only downplaying the BLM movement, but ineffectively trying to move people’s attention away from the matter at hand. A user on the popular website Reddit does a very effective job of describing the problem with the ALM movement in respect to the BLM movement.

Imagine you are at a cure for cancer rally. Then someone bursts in saying "hey what about diabetes". You would think they are ridiculous right? Not because one affliction is not worse than another, it's just that is not the time to talk about it. It's not that all lives don't matter ... It's just that's not what we are talking about right now and you butting in trying to empathize or change the narrative doesn't help at all.

This quote is extremely relevant, and does a very good making this issue relevant to everyone. The reality is, if a person was at a Breast Cancer Awareness convention, no one would stand up and shout, ” What about diabetes?” The common thought would be that a Breast Cancer convention isn’t the best place to try and make a bid for people to talk about diabetes. It would not only be disrespectful, but immature. The same thing goes for ALM supporters trying to motivate people to not endorse the BLM movement. Although the intent of the ALM movement might not be to dissuade people from the BLM movement, it has the same effect.

The ALM movement gains a lot of support when statistics come out that seemingly disprove the fact that black lives don’t matter. An article in the Washington Times attempts to make the point that whites actually are killed more by police than blacks. This statistic seems like a very concrete disapproval of the Black Lives Matter movement. The author of the article points to a quote from Toni Morrison, a Novel Prize winning novelist, to base the importance of this statistic off of.

This is the conversation. I want to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teenager in the back,” said Ms. Morrison, who also has won the Pulitzer Prize for her work, which includes the bestsellers “Beloved” and “Song of Solomon.” “And I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman. Then when you ask me, ‘Is it over?’, I will say yes.

Naturally the others next point is that many people think that blacks are targeted more by whites, but in reality whites die more. Fair point right? No. People don’t just believe that blacks are targeted, but also that they’re being killed for false reasons. Reasons with little basis besides their skin color. Reasons that are not only arbitrary, but unimportant. Blacks aren’t being killed because they’re brandishing weapons at cops, or beating up cops, but because they’ve got a plastic gun in their hands. Because they’re large and resisting the restraint of overly physical cops. Blacks don’t get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to analysis by the cops. Black LIVES don’t matter. Cops don’t see a kid with playing around with a gun. They don’t see a man fighting for every breath. Cops see opponents. Challenges. Offenders. They don’t see the LIVES of the PEOPLE they kill.

The Black Lives Matter movement, like many movements, has no defined date of inception. Many people attribute the creation of this movement to the Acquittal of George Zimmerman , but the true date of birth for this movement is unknown. The movement started on one of the most powerful mediums of the current era, social media. The hashtag (written as #BlackLivesMatter) was used to voice the frustration of many individuals about the seemingly ignored African American race. People were fed up with constant police brutality on African American lives. Cops were beginning to show a lack of respect for Black Lives, a disturbing idea reinforced by the constant murder of African American citizens. From Malice Green to Trayvon. From Oscar Grant to Tamir Rice. From Michael Brown to Eric Garner. People were tired of hearing about the constant murder of Black people. It seemed that we had been thrown into a time were Black Lives no longer meant anything to society. A time were killing an African American boy in cold blood would result on you getting a “slap on the wrist” rather than serving life in prison. A time were Black Lives did not matter.


There’s no way that anyone can argue that the world is perfect. There are many innate flaws to the world that people constantly attempt to fix. Problems like World Hunger and Violence span across the globe, and it is fairly safe to say that there will never be an end to these problems. The ALM movement attempts to focus on the fact that Black people aren’t the only ones suffering. Although this statement is obviously true, it’s much deeper than this. The truth is, African American people are being targeted in a way that everyone else isn’t. There aren’t cops killing White Americans for questionable activity that are sequentially acquitted. Those cops end up in jail, serving the time they deserve for their actions. Why is it that when African American citizens are murdered for questionable activity, cops seem to be impervious to the same laws that others are restricted by? Why is this Johannes Mehserle was able to murder Oscar Grant with the excuse that he was feeling for his tazer? Why was Mehserle only sentenced to two years in prison, only serving 11 months in jail? It’s questions like these that place Black Lives in the limelight, rather than focusing on the betterment of All Lives.


Back in 2010 Lupe Fiasco’s album began with a intro song describing the black struggle. Popular current day artist Jermaine Cole (J. Cole) wrote a song entitled Be Free, a plea for freedom for the African American people.

 All we want to do is take the chains off/ All we want to is break the chains off/ All we want do is be free/ All we want do is be free

J Cole’s  pleas are shared by many African American people, and his words were important for the movement.

Kendrick Lamar indirectly spoke out with his song “Alright“. The music video to his song shows a man who resist arrests, and then has a cop point a gun at him.


It also shows Kendrick Lamar and others dancing on top of cop cars.


These clips voice the frustration of the black race in seeing a man who is potentially about to be shot and killed for what seems like a routine arrest. The clips expresses the power blacks as a race have when the kids dance on top the police car.

The Black Lives Matter movement is about more than just stating that Black Lives Matter. The belief that this is the goal of the movement is false. With the understanding that this movement is about gaining respect for the black race from the authority of America , the Police, you can see how important this movement is. You can see the reasons why this movement needs to be supported.

So what can you to do support? Well that’s up to you. Something as simple as a tweet can be helpful. An Instagram post can be influential. A Facebook post can really open up the doors for people to learn more about this movement. You can also go so far as to donate to the BLM movement on the webpage.

Always remember, All Lives do Matter, but Black Lives NEED to matter.


Political Meme-Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a strong candidate for the Republican vote. He is an incredible entrepreneur with a very radical personality, which brings him a lot of attention.

One of the biggest focuses so far has been his hate on immigration laws.Trump claims that Mexican immigrants have no place in America and don’t assist us, but bring us down. He blames Mexico for this problem, while also making claims that he can communicate well with other nations, but constantly belittles Mexico and China.

Group 3 Final Piece

Our group (formally known as group #3) was broken down into five people who each took on a role:
Eric Role 1 (Set up spreadsheet in Google Sheets. Share/oversee/help members place team data on a single
Marcus Role 2 (This person will select the data visualization tool to use for project (See tools below). This person
also will create a 5-deck (a deck is a page) tutorial on how to use the tool to create a data visualization for project.)
Evan Role 3 This person must add the team information to create data visualization presentation. Each team
member should embed the data viz on his or her own WordPress. Don’t forget to on your WordPress.
Vanessa Role 4 Analyze the data provided by group members.
Salina Role 5 Add your team members’ data to spreadsheet created for the class. (Five-member group ONLY, one
person should upload the assignment to Canvas

After breaking into groups and each thoroughly completing the roles they were assigned we were able to analyze all the data provided by my group members. Our group consisted of 5 people, two males and three females, all in the same age range. Five days were spent by each of us recording mediums that we use on a regular basis (cell phone, computer/tablet/laptop, gaming, radio, television, iPod/mp3 player, print and social media) I noticed a variety interesting patterns. First, all the females spent more time than the guys on their cellphones, myself especially. Second, no one made the time for video games with the exception of one person and last, that the majority of us did not spend as many hours on music as we thought we would (radio and iPod/mps3). The study concluded that the most popular medium was Cellphone. The least popular of all the mediums was gaming. These results can be due to a variety of reasons; time, interest, or gender. The total usage for each medium in minutes was as follows ( actual spreadsheet:

Cellphone: 16,105
Computer: 7,027
Social Media: 3,238
IPod/MP3: 1.510
Print: 2,770
Television: 2,290
Gaming: 35 (one person)
Radio: 1,404
The most interesting detail we found was that Social Media was not the number one medium.


Experience Credit: TaNehesi Coates

TaNehesi Coates brought a lot of interesting thoughts to my mind with his visit. He opened up the doors to explore the depths of American history, and how blacks fit into that. He spoke about how if whites were to look into the history of America, they’d be horrified because we consider America good, but the past that made it the country it is today is riddled with hatred and suffering. He also quoted MalcolmX as he described a conversation in which MalcolmX and white supremacist were having a discussion and the white supremacist asked if a 4 year old white boy could escape the clutches of white privilege. MalcolmX responded by asking if a 4 year old black boy could escape the clutches of racist stereotypes. The quote was very powerful to me in thinking about history, and it has me questioning how blacks truly fit into American History.


Reflective Statement: Convergence

What is convergence? How is convergence changing communication professionally and socially? What has changed since these videos on convergence were made?


Convergence is the melting of barriers between communication, content, and computing.  It’s driven by a persistent drive to simplify life, and it deconstructs walls that have been very permanent over the years.

For instance, Americans tend to use social networks for entertainment or fun, but over time networks like Twitter and Facebook have become powerful tools for objects like campaigns, and company ads. These networks which were formally tools used for fun, have become powerful ways for individuals to gain respect and a following.

Twitter and Facebook have also helped individuals profile each other without visibly tracking individuals. People are able to “follow” their acquaintances and learn about them from what they post or what they’ve posted before. Seeing a post about Animal protection being shared by an individual, followed by a post about saving trees might allow you to understand that an individual is sensitive to the destruction of the environment.

Henry Jenkins, the author of Convergence Culture, argues on his blog that the consumer ( users of Social Networks) are the driving force behind this culture because we provide the content that spurs the growth of this culture. With no content from us, the culture itself would die out, but there’s no incentive for this culture to die, and therefore it has only grown over the recent years. Society has accepted this culture and continously fosters it through merging of Social Platforms ( eg: Facebook acquiring Instagram, etc.) in which one platform envelopes another, making it even easier for the convergence culture to take effect.


Sources: 1) Media Poster 2) “communication, content, and computing” 3) “blog” 4) Convergence Culture Cover

Hello DML!

Hi everyone, my name is Marcus Kennedy-Grimes. I’m HU ’19 and a proud resident of Drew Hall. I’m a Strategic, Legal, Management Communications Major with a Legal Concentration from Oakland, California (510 represent!). Since this is a Digital Media Literacy class, I figure it’s OK for me to plug my social media. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @marcuskgrimes , Instagram @marcuskgrimes, and Snapchat @marcuskgrimes. I’ll follow back too, so it’s a win win.

Besides that, I’m looking forward to exploring more into Digital Media and getting to know and pair up with you all.

#HU19 #CaliRepping #DrewHall #HUYouKnow #2ManyHashTags #TYBG #SCOMHU15
